Field trip to Jogjakarta bersama FE Unesa, 2015 - Selama 3 Hari 2 Malam.
Mengunjungi :
1. Study Ke PT Sritex Sukoharjo, PT Batik Keris Solo, PT Aseli dagadu Jogja.
2. Cave Tubing ke Goa Pindul.
3. Pantai Indrayanti
4. Sendratari Ramayana Prambanan.
This blog is a blog from the SS Tour & Travel, for those who had joined the SS Tour can find sweet memories with this blog. Please provide any comments or criticism as long as the polite, will be displayed in this blog. For reservation please call 081 703 488 299 ( Syafi'i ) Jl Makam Cina Jati Sidoarjo Indonesia